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Cauliflower and Potato Curry Soup

When you crave a nice spicy warm soup and do not want to go through the hassle of making curry, my Cauliflower and Potato Curry Soup does the trick! This is one of my special recipes, it is an Indianish recipe and is vegan. Cauliflower and Potato curry is quite common in India. In Hindu temples, when they serve food, you will find a thin curry to be had with roti bread that is made with these vegetables. You can use as little or as much water you want to make this soup style or a thicker drier curry. Based on your preference, you can switch the vegetables, if you want to make it sweeter, try substituting cauliflower with carrots...

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Pistachio Madeleines

I have had many madeleines during my visits to France. Some were dunked in ganache, some were dusted with powdered sugar, and some were just plain and freshly baked. As I recently started baking, I found this recipe in Thomas Keller's Bouchon Bakery cookbook. Adding a twist to your regular madeleine, I found his Pistachio Madeleine recipe an Indianish recipe. I have made this recipe a few times, and I have made it with walnut butter (since I had some), so I play with various kinds of nut butters and see what you like. Pistachio nut butter is my absolute favorite. And since I did not have any at home, I made my own, and I don't think it was...

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